Kate Rich: Feral Trade [Not part of the Sofia show]

About the project:

In 2003 Kate Rich launched the Feral Trade project, trading goods over social networks. Feral Trade forges new 'wild' trade routes across hybrid territories of business, art, and social interaction.

Web Site Feral Trade

About Kate Rich

Kate Rich is an Australian-born artist & trader currently based in Bristol UK. She is known for her work with the Bureau of Inverse Technology (BIT), producing an array of critical information products, including the Bit Plane, a miniature spy plane navigated over the Silicon Valley California; the Suicide Box vertical motion detection device installed in range of the Golden Gate Bridge; Goose Radio, a goose-operated pirate radio station in Flevoland (NL); and the Antiterror Line, a telephone database collecting live phone-in news of civil liberties attacks in the wake of September 11.